Repeatable values in BR-DE-23 and in BT-821 and BT-806
Dear all, we got following errors during validation, when there are repeatable values:
- BR-DE-23 (cac:AwardingCriterion -> efac:AwardCriterionParameter): A sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the first argument of fn:normalize-space() ("per-exa", "fix-tot")
- EU rules BT-821 und BT-806 (cac:TendererQualificationRequest): A sequence of more than one item is not allowed as the first argument of fn:normalize-space() ("epo-notice", "epo-procurement-document\
TEDs validation doesn't return any errors for this rules.
- BT-821 und BT-806:
- BR-DE-23:
Edited by Anuar Umirzakov