improve blacklist
source ticket:
check if
- BR-BT-00115-0106
- BR-BT-00115-0107
- BR-BT-00115-0103
- BR-BT-00115-0098
should be included in blacklist.
original ticket:
- BR-BT-00115-0106
Business Rule BR-BT-00115-0106 applies to the VgV Preliminary Information for Information Purposes Only (eForms Form No. 4), although in our opinion the rule has been complied with. The rule states that BT-115-Part is prohibited if BT-11-Procedure is not one of the following code list values: 'cga','ra','la','body-pl','body-pl-cga','body-pl-ra','body-pl-la','pub-undert','pub-undert-cga','pub-undert-ra','pub-undert-la','org-sub-cga','org-sub-ra','org-sub-la','def-cont','int-org','eu-ins-bod-ag'. In our sample notice (see attached), we have entered TRUE for BT-115-Part and 'omu-bbeh' for BT-11-Procedure, which should be mapped to the EU code 'cga' via the tailored code list. In this combination, the notification should actually be valid, but we still receive the error message during validation (see response attached). Could you please tell us why the error occurs and how the problem can be avoided in future?