Substituting german rule needed for min nr of candidates for restricted procedured
There is the following EU rule (BR-BT-00050-0101):
If 'Legal basis' (BT-01) is 'Directive 2014/24/EU' and 'Notice type' (BT-02) is 'Contract or concession notice – standard regime' and 'Type of procedure' (BT-105) is 'Restricted', then 'Minimum number of candidates to be invited for the second stage of the procedure' (BT-50) must be greater than 4
((../../../ext:UBLExtensions/ext:UBLExtension/ext:ExtensionContent/efext:EformsExtension/efac:NoticeSubType/cbc:SubTypeCode/normalize-space(text()) = '16') and (../../../cac:TenderingProcess/cbc:ProcedureCode/normalize-space(text()) = 'restricted') and (cbc:MinimumQuantity/number() > 4)) or not(../../../ext:UBLExtensions/ext:UBLExtension/ext:ExtensionContent/efext:EformsExtension/efac:NoticeSubType/cbc:SubTypeCode/normalize-space(text()) = '16') or not(../../../cac:TenderingProcess/cbc:ProcedureCode/normalize-space(text()) = 'restricted')
BT- 105 is a customised codelist, so in Germany all the following values are mapped to the Eu value 'restricted':
TODO: Create a new german rule that checks above condition also when BT-105 equals "us-res-tw" or "us-res-no-tw"
Example file:
deliveries-0def498c-531a-4fbb-af92-f6f9df0c3fd4_faile rule BR-BT-00050-0101.xml